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What is the Difference Between an Asset Purchase and a Share or Membership Purchase?

In Business Tips, Business Transactions by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

If you are a business owner interested in purchasing or selling a company, it is essential to understand the different types of transactions available. Two of the most commonly used types are asset purchase and share or membership purchase. While they may seem similar, there are significant differences in how they work and the outcomes they produce. This post will …

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How Does Seller Financing Work When Buying or Selling a Company?

In Business Tips, Business Transactions by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

Buying or selling a company can be a complicated process, and the financing options available can make all the difference. One financing option that’s gaining popularity, especially for small to medium-sized businesses, is seller financing. This arrangement involves the seller financing part or all of the sale price of the business, rather than relying solely on a third-party lender. In …

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Understanding Forgery and Its Harmful Impact on Businesses 

In Fraud & Embezzelment, White Collar Criminal Defense by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

Forgery can have a devastating impact on businesses of all sizes, as it can result in financial loss, legal complications, and damage to reputation. If your business has fallen victim to forgery, it’s crucial to consult a lawyer right away to protect your interests. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at what forgery is, why it’s …

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Corporate Transparency Act: What is a Reporting Company Applicant?

In Business Tips by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

In January of 2024 FinCEN will require businesses to report beneficial ownership, as outlined in the Corporate Transparency Act. The legislation includes the term ” Reporting Company Applicant.” But what is that exactly, and how does it fit into this new law? This article will explore what a Reporting Company Applicant is, and how it relates to the Corporate Transparency …

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Corporate Transparency Act: Possible Exemptions

In Business Tips by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

The recent coming of the Corporate Transparency Act has brought a new issue to the forefront of the business and legal world. The act requires certain businesses to report the beneficial ownership of their companies to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). However, there are a few exemptions to reporting, and this blog post delves into what some those exemptions …

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Successor Liability and How to Prevent It 

In Business Transactions, Legal Compliance by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

In business, it’s important to keep in mind that liabilities don’t disappear when ownership changes hands. Debts owed, outstanding lawsuits and liens may transfer over to the new owners of the business. This legal concept is called successor liability. For business owners, it’s crucial to be aware of how this can impact their bottom line and what they can do …

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The Corporate Transparency Act and New Mexico Citizens

In Business Tips by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

Recent changes in federal legislation will result in a new status quo for New Mexico business owners. The Corporate Transparency Act goes into effect nationally on January 1st, 2024. This act will require businesses to report their beneficial owners. This post will explore when a report is necessary, what to include and and who to report to. Who is Considered …

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Professional Licensing & Licensure: How an Attorney Can Help 

In Business Tips, Legal Compliance by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

Being a licensed professional not only demonstrates an individual’s expertise in their field but also helps to assure clients that they are working with a competent and qualified professional. The process of obtaining a professional license, however, can be arduous and confusing. For some individuals, it may require various examinations, education requirements, and years of supervised experience. This is where …

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Probate Litigation: Understanding Its Implications and Finding Legal Assistance 

In Estate & Probate by Gage AndersonLeave a Comment

Probate is an essential process where the court proves the validity of a will and authorizes the distribution of a deceased person’s assets to their close family members and other beneficiaries. The process gives a legal confirmation of the executor’s authority and the ownership of the assets before they can be passed to the beneficiaries. In most cases, the probate …