Its more than a simple customer compliant. Those who work under a professional license know that formal complaints means that one’s ability to sustain their livelihood may be at risk. It is the decisions and actions in the moments and hours after a complaint has been communicated that can determine whether a professional will be able to continue in their …
Using Public Information to Make a Case for Eviction
While the most popular reason for eviction might be failure for a tenant to pay rent, there are other reasons that may justify a landlord starting the eviction process. Perhaps the tenant has a pet at the property when the lease has clearly indicated it is not allowed. Another example may be that the tenant has caused or is causing …
The Tom Petty Estate: When best laid plans are not specific enough.
Tom Petty died of an accidental overdose on October 2, 2017. While his death was shocking and sudden, the artist had taken the time prior to the tragedy to participate in some estate planning. Per his wishes, his wife of 16 years, Dana York Petty, became the “directing trustee” of the Tom Petty Estate. His daughters Annakim Violette and Adria …
The Family Business Succession Plan
Family owned business can be tough; especially since family is forever and a business lasts as long as the front doors can stay open. A family business can never be truly free of passion, so it is important to understand the importance of utilizing consultants from outside of the family in conjunction with a Trust and Estate planning team to …
When you think the corporate culture is fraud
In the mid 1990’s I was diligently climbing the corporate ladder. Having just graduated from college a couple years earlier, I was a bank branch manger for a regional bank. I loved my employer. It was a caring organization that operated in about half a dozen states. They had taken a chance on a young kid and were further investing …
Administrative Leave? Time to Call an Attorney
Administrative Leave is a common practice used by companies when they are investigating claims that are more severe or emotionally charged. The purpose of an Administrative Leave is to remove the accused party or parties from the workplace, ensuring the safety of the workforce and allowing for a thorough and untainted investigation to occur. The leave protects individuals who may …
Terminating Leases Early
Common questions that arise when clients inherit or purchase rental properties/commercial real estate often center around the leases associated with the property. I came across one such question the other day that had to do with a client who had inherited an apartment complex and wanted to terminate the leases as quickly as possible in order to sell the property …
Are you dealing with an “Ike”?
Image Source: Rob Mieremet / Anefo [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons In 2007, Ike Turner died leaving a large estate and several friends and family claiming it as their own. Due to the lack of legal documentation and representation he left his estate in the hands of the state to determine the heir to his fortune. Who is entitled …
Why You Need a Buy-Sell Agreement
Changes in small business ownership can be costly, and negatively impact the business. If you are in a small business partnership, you should establish a buy-sell agreement to pre-determine what will happen if one of the partners leaves the business. You may not anticipate that either of you will leave; however, death, divorce, changes in circumstance, a risky economy and …
Contract Tip: Understanding the Offer
Contract law can be a confusing mess, especially for busy business leaders. It pays, however, to know some of the basics of contract law in running a business. Such basic knowledge will help avoid potential liability or disaster down the road. If you don’t already know what a contract is, it is a “bargained for exchange of value” between two …