The saying, “It takes money to make money” generally is true. It might be safer to say that it takes some risk to earn some reward. Most who want to start a business in New Mexico are looking to create financial stability, not to acquire insurmountable debt. Therefore, it is crucial not to fall to into the trap of spending …
Choosing the Right Representation – What to look for in a lawyer
“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer,” “don’t say another word until you talk to your lawyer,” “I’ll have my lawyer contact you,” – – anyone who’s grown up watching television dramas, or watched or read any of John Grisham’s films or books is familiar with this legal vernacular. But how do you obtain a lawyer, does everyone need a lawyer …
SKM Law, Business Litigation Attorneys, Have Changed Their Name to Business Law Southwest
Albuquerque, NM – August 13, 2013 – The law firm Streubel, Kochersberger and Mortimer LLC has changed the name of the practice to Business Law Southwest, a name they feel better conveys the firm’s expertise in business litigation and their regional presence in New Mexico, Colorado and Texas. The name change is due to the departure of one of SKM’s …