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What Is Personal Liability? (And How To Avoid It)

In Business Tips, Contracts, Corporate Formation, Dispute Resolution, Litigation & Lawsuits, LLC Formation by Kristy DonahueLeave a Comment

By using LLCs, Corporations, and Insurance to your advantage, you can avoid personal liability. Forming a new business is not enough. Business owners need to engage in a daily practice of proper banking practices, utilizing insurance and proper internal policies to avoid personal liability for company obligations. This workshop is full of helpful hints to keep a business owners’ personal …

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Do You Know The Top 10 Mistakes Business Owners Consistently Make?

In Business Tips, Business Transactions, Contracts, COVID-19, Marketing Tips by Kristy DonahueLeave a Comment

Firm Partner Larry Donahue is teaching this informative 2- part workshop. 25 +years and thousands of clients later, Attorney Larry Donahue has been able to identify the all-too-common mistakes small business owners everywhere, in every type of business make over and over again.   The good news is, once you know about these mistakes, it is easy to avoid them.  Even …

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Important Legal Considerations When Selling On-line.

In Business Tips, Business Transactions, Contracts, Copyright, COVID-19, Intellectual Property, Litigation & Lawsuits, Marketing Tips by Kristy DonahueLeave a Comment

Thinking about selling goods or services online?  You should.  If COVID-19 taught small businesses anything, it is the importance of an online presence in order to stay in business!  Learn about the important considerations that come with selling online.  From contract considerations when hiring someone to build a website, using and posting photos, cyber insurance, dealing with negative reviews to …

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Independent Contractor or Employee?

In Business Tips, Contracts, Employment Contract, Employment Law by Joseph TurnerLeave a Comment

Many employers have to determine whether a new hire is going to be an employee or an independent contractor. Often, this decision is made at the outset because the employer needs to know whether to withhold taxes when issuing a first paycheck. In fact, taxes are only the first of many reasons an employer needs to know the difference between …

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What You Need To Know About Business In 2021

In Business Tips, Business Transactions, Contract Disputes, Contracts, COVID-19 by Alicia McConnellLeave a Comment

BLSW’s Senior Litigator shares words of wisdom as we head into the New Year. If 2020 has taught us anything, it sure seems to be that we can never fully know what the future will bring. Now that we have seen and experienced the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated fallout that it has brought, we have gained some insight on …

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What To Consider When You Are Given Equity In A Company.

In Contract Disputes, Contracts, Litigation & Lawsuits, Partnerships by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

Does “free equity” have the potential to be a gift you will regret accepting? Hey, who would not want to be given some equity in a company? Especially if there does not seem to be any strings attached? If the company is successful, you benefit. If it fails, it cost you nothing. So why not accept an equity arrangement? Technically, …

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Are You Being Held Captive By Your Merchant Services Provider?

In Business Tips, Business Transactions, Contracts by Kristy DonahueLeave a Comment

It is astonishing how many businesses continually set themselves up to pay outrageous fees and penalties. As business attorneys, we are skilled at reading contracts for our clients and pointing out any unfair or questionable content. However, most business owners enter into contracts everyday without consulting a business attorney. Naturally, if everything goes well, there are generally no issues. However, …

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How To Avoid A Commercial Real Estate Disaster.

In Business Tips, Business Transactions, Contracts, COVID-19 by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

Common mistakes inexperienced business owners make when signing leases. There are no laws on the books to protect a business owner from a bad commercial lease. Now, pause and re-read that sentence. Pause again and let that sink in. There are laws to protect you from unfair loan practices, defective merchandise and breaches of contract. But, if you willingly signed …

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How To Be Pro-Active In Your Malpractice Defense.

In Business Tips, Contracts, Dispute Resolution, Employment Law, Litigation & Lawsuits, White Collar Criminal Defense by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

Malpractice insurance will provide physicians with an attorney, but sometimes that’s not enough. According to a 2018 report by the American Medical Association, 34% of all practicing physicians have been sued.  And, if a doctor is still practicing past age 55, that percentage goes up to nearly 50%.  Since the prospect of a lawsuit is becoming almost inevitable, the need …

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Purchasing a Business That Has Debt.

In Business Tips, Business Transactions, Contracts, Departing Partner, Partnerships by Don KochersbergerLeave a Comment

Structuring the sale correctly will give you peace of mind and potentially save you thousands. Attorney Don Kochersberger weighs in on what to do when existing debt was not handled appropriately during the sale of a business. Dear Don, My boyfriend and I recently bought a business.  It is a gym that my boyfriend has been a trainer at for …