Common questions that arise when clients inherit or purchase rental properties/commercial real estate often center around the leases associated with the property. I came across one such question the other day that had to do with a client who had inherited an apartment complex and wanted to terminate the leases as quickly as possible in order to sell the property …
What is Trademark Infringement?
A trademark is any word, design, symbol or phrase, that identifies the source of a particular product or service. For example, “Apple Computer” doesn’t indicate a computer generally. It indicates a computer produced by Apple Computer Corporation. The golden arches in front of a McDonald’s Restaurant doesn’t indicate “hamburgers,” but hamburgers produced by McDonald’s Corporation. Many business owners get confused …
Breach of Contract: What Happens Next?
When you enter into a business contract, you expect to hold up your end of the deal and expect the other party to honor their part, as well. When something goes wrong and the other party isn’t holding up their end of the deal, they have committed a breach of contract. So, what can you do against a business or party …
Federal Courts Should Use State Law to Interpret a Contract’s Venue or Forum Selection Clause
Most circuits have not decided this issue. Those that have addressed it typically recognize that no reason exists to treat a venue selection clause differently from the remainder of a contract that will be interpreted using state law. See, e.g., Northwest Nat. Ins. Co. v. Donovan, 916 F.2d 372, 374 (7th Cir. 1994) (“Validity and interpretation are separate issues, and …