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What To Do If Your Partner is Stealing From the Company

In Break-ups & Partnership Disputes, Partnership Dispute by Larry Donahue1 Comment

If you are a co-owner of a company, and you believe (or know) that your partner is stealing from the company, you have rights and you have options — even if you’re not “in charge” or own a minority interest. Actionable Claims When a Partner Steals There are a number of possible issues that come arise when a partner steals …

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5 Tips: How to Dissolve a Partnership as Painlessly as Possible

In Break-ups & Partnership Disputes, Dissolve a Partnership, Partnership Dispute by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

Closing (called dissolving) a business partnership can be compared to a divorce, from a cost and emotional impact to the partners. Neither party expects the relationship to degenerate into contention, but it happens more often than you might think. Whether business circumstances change, or some dispute arises between the partners, when the business partnership cannot endure, it’s time to legally …

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Business Break-Ups – Important Tips to Prepare Before the Problem Arises

In Break-ups & Partnership Disputes, Dissolve a Partnership, Partnership Dispute by Don KochersbergerLeave a Comment

New business partners don’t typically think about anything going wrong down the road, however, business and personal disputes are often irreconcilable, and sometimes partners ultimately decide to break up the business. Ideally, businesses and business partners take the necessary steps to plan ahead for dissolution and alleviate much of the stress associated with typical business break-ups.