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The Critical Importance of Keeping Your Operating Agreement Updated

In Business Tips by Kristy DonahueLeave a Comment

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, an operating agreement serves as the constitutional backbone of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). It’s an essential document that details the ownership structure, operating procedures, and outlines how critical decisions are made within your business. But what many small business owners may overlook is the significance of keeping this foundational document up to date. …

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Buy Sell Insurance vs. Key Man Insurance: Understanding the Difference and Importance for Your Business

In Business Succession Planning, Business Tips, Dispute Resolution by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

Starting a business can be an exciting yet daunting experience. While focusing on the business strategies, legalities, and overall growth of the company, the importance of protecting the business from unforeseen circumstances can often be forgotten. This is where insurance comes in, specifically Buy Sell Insurance and Key Man Insurance. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between …