Employee Theft & Misconduct

Hiring an employee is to entrust a small part of your business to them. When that employee has stolen products, services, or money from you, that trust is irrevocably broken. When an employee has stolen from you, a business lawyer from Business Law Southwest can help pick up the pieces, offer guidance, and reduce the risk associated with employee retaliation and customer complaints.

Resolving an Employee Misconduct Investigation

Employee Theft MisconductAs an employer, it is important to take swift, decisive action against the offending employee in order to resume business as soon as possible. When you launch an employee misconduct investigation, you have a few options. A business lawyer at Business Law Southwest can:

  • Help you evaluate the case. After you terminate the employee, we can help you analyze the situation and look at what is best for you and your business.
  • Represent you in negotiations with your former employee. We can help to negotiate a fair arrangement for repayment, if possible.
  • Litigate on your behalf. We can help you gather important evidence against the employee to file theft charges.
  • Review your employee conduct agreements and procedures. Just because an employee took advantage of your trust this time does not mean it has to happen again.

If the case warrants the attention of law enforcement, your former employee might be facing criminal employee theft charges. Contact Business Law Southwest as soon as you are thinking of launching an employee misconduct investigation.

Contact Business Law Southwest when you want to Pursue Employee Theft Charges

The damage that the former employee caused your business may affect your reputation as an employer. Filing employee theft charges because of misconduct can help you re-establish company values and proper policy. Contact us today at Business Law Southwest to fight back against employee theft in your business.

Schedule your Confidential Consultation

Call today to schedule your strategic employee misconduct investigation session with an experienced business lawyer.

Call Now: (505) 848-8581