Human Resource Professionals Who Understand Policies and Procedures
Your business culture and ability to manage employees is all tied directly to your Policies and Procedures. Our team of HR Attorneys and Professionals ensure that your HR Policy is effective and compliant with State and Federal Employment Laws.
Whether your need is simply to review existing policy that may be outdated or ineffective or to draft a completely new set of policies and procedures, Business Law Southwest can meet your needs and surpass your expectations of what HR policy can do for your business.
Elements of Effective Policies and Procedures for a business include:
- Measurable objectives and expectations for business and employees
- Job descriptions and designation of responsibilities
- Disciplinary Policies/Processes
- Workplace Safety Policies
- Device Use Policies
- Code of Conduct/Attendance Policies
- Keeps the company consistent and fair to employees
Business Law Southwest knows that quality HR Policy must be simultaneously considerate of the company goals, morale of the team, employment law as well as the nature of the unique business. So, simply stated Polices and Procedures are not “one size fits all”. That is why we are here to listen to you, the business owner, and create the “perfect fit”
Investing in quality Polices and Procedures has a positive return on investment. Consider all the ways effective policy could benefit your business:
- Protects business from legal actions
- Gives business owners the ability to “manage up or manage out” problem employees
- Serves as a quality training tool; Creates “Best Practices”
- Creates uniformity in standards of service among all employees
Contact our Human Resources Team of Professionals today and start developing a more productive work environment.
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