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The Benefits of Working with a Trademark Attorney

In Trademarks by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

Filing a trademark application is an important step in the process of protecting your intellectual property. While you can file the application on your own, it’s highly recommended that you seek the assistance of a trademark attorney to ensure that everything is done correctly and efficiently. Here’s why it’s important to have a trademark attorney help you with your trademark …

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Everything You Need to Know About Probate

In Business Tips by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

Probate is a legal process that occurs when someone passes away and their assets need to be settled. It involves making sure that the deceased’s debts are paid, and that their assets are distributed according to their will or state law if there is no will. Probate can be a confusing process for those who have never been through it, …

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Business Law Southwest is Moving

In Business Tips by Kristy DonahueLeave a Comment

Beginning February 27, 2023 Business Law Southwest will have a new location! Business Law Southwest will be moving to 6801 Jefferson St NE in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The new location is in the heart of Journal Center, a beautiful area full of various professional offices, restaurants and of course home of The Albuquerque Journal. Situated along the I-25 corridor, the …

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The Significance of Articles of Amendment for Businesses

In Business Tips by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

As a business owner, it’s important to understand the significance of articles of amendment. Articles of amendment are documents that declare changes to be made to an existing company’s articles of incorporation. They ensure that businesses stay up-to-date with regulations and laws, as well as making sure that their assets are properly protected. In this article, we will discuss why …

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What is the Difference between Fraud and Embezzlement?

In Fraud & Embezzelment, White Collar Criminal Defense by Larry DonahueLeave a Comment

If you are in the process of hiring a lawyer, it is important to understand the difference between fraud and embezzlement. This knowledge can help you determine which type of lawyer is best suited to handle your case. In essence, fraud involves deceiving someone for financial gain whereas embezzlement is taking money from someone without their knowledge or consent. Let’s …